Warehouse Visit
Our first Warehouse tour of 2023 was a resounding success. The visit gave some of our clients the chance to view, not only the storage facility but also their actual wine as well as learning about the process that takes place once the wine arrives at the warehouse. When investing in wine through Vintage Associates, clients have the option of leaving their wine stored in bond. If they decide to do this, their wine is stored at the London City Bond Warehouse in Tilbury, Essex, a temperature-controlled warehouse that holds over 90 000 cases of wine at any one time.
After tea & coffee, clients were given a tour of the facility by a Liv-Ex representative as well
as a brief rundown of the process that takes place from when the wine arrives in storage.
Following the tour, all clients were given the opportunity to view their wine and learn about
how the wine is condition checked upon arriving in bond. We were also shown how the
experts at the warehouse determine if a bottle is fake, giving our clients the peace of mind
of knowing that their investment has been solidly checked.
One regular investor with Vintage Associates was making her first visit to the warehouse
and had this to say:
“I was surprised by how informative and interesting the tour was. I had quite a different
picture in my head of the storage facility so it was interesting to see how it actually was. I
really enjoyed actually seeing my wine and being able to have a photo with it, as well as
meeting other Vintage Associates clients. I would recommend that other investors take the
time to do one of the tours and I will definitely be back”
Following the visit, clients are invited back to our offices for lunch and a glass of wine.
We run the visits throughout the year, with the next one taking place on the 21 st April 2023.
Numbers are kept low in order for everyone to have the opportunity to view their own
investment so if you are interested in joining us in April, please contact your account
manager or email claire@vintage-associates.co.uk.
1st June 2025
BERTH 29-30
Port of Tilbury
Tilbury, Essex
RM18 7EH